Why Python??

Shashwat Raj
3 min readAug 9, 2019


If you are planning to start programming in python you should go through this.

I will give you certain reasons why Python is the best language to begin programming with:

Python is simple and easy to learn, read and write. It’s almost like English if you can read English you can easily read a python code.

It is free or open-source. That is you don’t need to pay for it to use it.

It is a high-level language. That is you don’t have to bother about low-level details like memory allocation, etc. while writing code.

It is portable. That is it supports many platforms like Linux, Windows, Macintosh, etc.

It supports different programming paradigm. It supports procedure-oriented programming as well as object-oriented programming.

It is Extensible. That is the code can invoke C and C++ libraries, it can be called from C++ and integrated with Java, Arduino codes or .NET components.

It is one of the most used or popular programming languages in the jungle of languages and is used by Google, Youtube, Dropbox, NASA, BitTorrent, Netflix, RashberryPi, etc.

It can also be used for much different application like Web Scraping, Testing, Web Development, Data Analysis, Machine learning, etc.

But there are few drawbacks of python as well:

Python works differently from other languages. So Python programmers find it difficult to shift to other languages.

Python is not wildly available on the mobile platform. It’s only available to desktop and server platform.

Python has 2 main version — v2.x & v3.x and shifting from v2.x to v3.x is relatively big.

Python lacks the power of the database access layer. its database access layer is underdeveloped and relatively primitive as compared to JDBC or ODBC.

Python is fast, but not fast enough for huge implementation. Python is only fast with enough hardware power and only on the web.

Python requires more testing time than other languages as error show up one by one when we run.



Shashwat Raj

Honours Computer Science Student & Enthusiast working with Python | Data Science | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence | Web Development